Tampa Violent Crime Lawyer

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Tampa Violent Crime Attorney

On any given day in the US, a violent crime is committed every 24.6 seconds. Facing criminal charges for a violent crime can place defendants in an intimidating position. Hefty fines, jail time, and even prison sentences are potential penalties for those found guilty of violent crime charges. As your case works its way through the justice system, a Tampa violent crime lawyer can ensure that you are afforded every available right allowable under the law.

Politicians have long pushed “tough on crime” policies. The results are an often overly punitive system that leaves defendants feeling hopeless and lost. At Jeff Marshall Law, our goal is to fight for the most favorable outcome for your case. As experienced criminal defense attorneys, we are dedicated to providing you with the robust defense you deserve.

Tampa Violent Crime Lawyer

What Constitutes a Violent Crime in Florida?

Violent crimes are classified as either misdemeanors or felonies under Florida law, depending on the type and severity of the crime. As the name implies, violent crimes involve some act of violence toward another person.

If the crime involved a government employee or occurred across multiple states, the charge may be filed as a federal crime. Most violent crime cases are handled under state criminal law. These are some of the more common violent crimes punishable under Florida law:

  • Aggravated Assault
  • Armed Robbery
  • Homicide
  • Kidnapping
  • Manslaughter
  • Rape
  • Robbery
  • Vehicular Homicide

The range of potential punishment for these crimes is considerable. A misdemeanor charge may be handled with a fine and probation, while a first-degree felony comes with a potential prison sentence of up to 30 years. Given the high stakes of a violent crime charge, your defense should be handled by experienced criminal defense attorneys.

What Do I Do if I’m Arrested in Tampa?

Being arrested can be a frightening experience. Even if you are wrongfully accused or believe the merits of your case should lead to the charges being dismissed, the justice system is unfair at times.

For most defendants, the moment of arrest is the first part of a long ordeal that may involve many court hearings and meetings with legal counsel. It is important to remember that the moments surrounding your initial detention can have significant impacts on your violent crime case. Anything you say or do can potentially undermine your defense.

  • Remain Calm The most important thing to remember is to remain calm. It is natural to be upset that you are being charged with a serious offense, but there is nothing to be gained from being belligerent. The legal system looks at such behavior unfavorably. If you resist arrest, you may even find yourself with the additional charge of resisting arrest.
  • Stay Quiet An arrest and brief stint in jail can be stressful. Police officers are trained to coax confessions from defendants during those interactions. They may even lie or mislead you in order to extract a confession. The less you say, the better.
  • Trust Your Attorney Leave your defense to your trusted defense attorney. The legal team at Jeff Marshall Law has many years of experience handling complex cases in the Tampa area. Our attorneys have a proven track record of fighting tirelessly for the rights of our clients. As soon as possible, contact Jeff Marshall Law so that our legal team can begin mounting your defense and fight the allegations you are facing. Remember, the burden of proof falls on state prosecutors. Any new evidence we discover, or any weakness in the state’s case can lead to a lower charge or dropped charges.

What Happens if I’m Convicted of a Violent Crime?

Florida criminal law divides crimes, including violent crimes, into two main categories: misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors are for less serious offenses, while felonies include criminal acts like murder.

Assault and battery are two potential misdemeanor crimes in Florida. A second-degree misdemeanor may result in up to 60 days in jail, a $500 fine, and six months of probation. More serious offenses are first-degree misdemeanors, which include the potential of one year in jail, one year of probation, and a $1,000 fine.

Many violent crimes are classified as felonies. First, second, and third-degree felonies, respectively, carry maximum sentences of 30, 15, and five years in prison. A life felony comes with the potential of a life sentence without parole, while a capital felony may be punishable by death.

What Can a Tampa Florida Crime Attorney Do for Me?

Representing yourself in court is possible but highly inadvisable. Only a criminal defense attorney has a deep and vast understanding of criminal law. Anyone who represents themselves may have conflicting emotions that can lead to poor decisions. Outside counsel comes with the advantage of bringing a clear head, a wealth of knowledge, and a new set of eyes to your case. Remember, even attorneys, when they get into legal trouble, prefer outside legal representation.

The legal counsel of a strong, reputable law firm comes with many advantages. Once you partner with Jeff Marshall Law, our attorneys can begin planning your defense. Sometimes, this requires a standard defense strategy or possibly a novel approach, depending on the specifics of your violent crime accusations.

Creativity often plays an important role when seeking the ideal outcome for your case. There are two general strategies our legal team may employ. One route argues for your innocence. This option is not always likely to be the most successful, so your case may benefit from arguing that the evidence shows you did not act with criminal intent or that there was some mitigating factor involved.

As your legal team prepares your defense, there are several factors that can improve your chances for optimal outcomes in court. One is an alibi, which provides an argument or evidence that you were not at the scene of the crime when it allegedly occurred. In other situations, our team may attack the prosecution’s case.

For example, the evidence presented by the prosecution may have been gathered in an unlawful manner. In those cases, the evidence can be barred from admittance at trial. A thorough examination of the prosecution’s case may find flaws in the state’s narrative. Any holes in the prosecution’s logic or evidence-gathering methods can be questioned in court. Even testimony by an accuser can be discredited if the statements are inconsistent.

Whether your case benefits from findings that an investigator had a conflict of interest or that law enforcement entrapped you at the time of the alleged offense, the right Tampa violent crime lawyer can provide robust legal counsel so that your rights are vigorously defended.

Are There Benefits to Accepting a Plea Bargain?

Plea bargaining is common in Florida. The idea is to settle for a lesser charge and lower penalty in return for an admittance of guilt. Accepting a plea bargain can save the defendant time and money. Some violent crime cases can last for several months or even years before they are resolved. Jury trials take time to plan, and the cost of mounting a jury trial defense can be high.

In some cases, your legal team may advise going to trial. In other cases, a plea bargain with the prosecutor may be in your interests. There is no guarantee that prosecutors will offer a favorable plea bargain, though, so for the greatest chance of an optimal outcome, work closely with a legal team in Tampa, Florida.


Q: How Much Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Charge in Florida?

A: Each case is unique. Violent crime cases are particularly complex and involve the potential for serious penalties. The cost of your case will depend on the complexity of the issues and how long the case takes to resolve. One of our Tampa criminal defense attorneys will be glad to go over these details during your free consultation.

Q: This Is My First Offense. Does That Help My Case?

A: In general, not having a criminal record can be beneficial. Prosecutors will consider your criminal history when determining whether to potentially lower or even drop charges as the case moves forward. In some cases, having a prior criminal history or previous convictions for the same offense will result in more severe penalties.

Q: What Are the Assault Laws in Florida?

A: Assault charges include intentional verbal or physical assaults that result in violence against an alleged victim. An element of criminal intent, meaning the act was performed knowing it would harm the victim, must be present. Under Florida criminal law, assault charges, including those involving domestic violence, are classified as either a Class A or B misdemeanor.

Q: Can Assault Charges Be Dropped in Florida?

A: Yes, if evidence or testimony shows that there is not sufficient evidence to prove that the offense occurred, the court and prosecutors are obligated to drop violent crime charges. If you are legally innocent of a violent crime charge, our top priority will be to gather evidence and testimony that ensures that you are found innocent or that the charges against you are dropped.

Contact a Tampa Violent Crime Lawyer Today

If you have been arrested and charged with a violent crime, seek legal representation as soon as possible. The legal team at Jeff Marshall Law has many years of experience defending those charged with violent crimes. Contact our Tampa office today to schedule your free consultation.

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