Tampa CDL DUI Lawyer

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Tampa CDL DUI Attorney

For drivers of commercial vehicles in the state of Florida, driving under the influence carries a number of risks. In addition to the potential for causing property damage or physical harm to other motorists, DUIs carry severe consequences for CDL drivers. A CDL DUI conviction in Florida could ruin your career as a commercial vehicle driver. If you’re up against a CDL DUI charge, contact a trustworthy Tampa CDL DUI lawyer.

Tampa CDL DUI lawyer

Florida DUI Laws for Licensed Commercial Vehicle Drivers

The standards for what constitutes a DUI in Florida are different and stricter for drivers of commercial vehicles. For non-commercial vehicle drivers of 21 years of age or older, it’s illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content, or BAC, of 0.08% or higher. When it comes to CDL drivers, the limit is even lower at 0.04%. This means consuming just a small portion of alcohol could cause you to be over the legal limit as a driver of a commercial motor vehicle, or CMV.

Being under the influence of alcohol is not the only potential reason for being arrested for CDL DUI. You can be charged with DUI for being intoxicated by other substances in Florida. According to Florida Statute 316.193, you can also be found guilty of DUI after consuming controlled substances such as opiates, cocaine, methamphetamines, and even cannabis or synthetic cannabis.

If your faculties are impaired by these substances or similar controlled substances, or if you are in possession of these controlled substances while operating a commercial vehicle, you can be arrested and later found guilty of DUI.

Penalties for CDL DUI in Florida

If you’re found guilty of driving under the influence while operating a commercial vehicle in the state of Florida, you can expect to face what will likely be significant consequences. Those found guilty of a first CDL DUI incident or possessing a controlled substance while operating a commercial vehicle can be disqualified from driving a CMV for up to one year.

Being convicted of CDL DUI or possessing a controlled substance while operating a commercial vehicle for a second time will likely be the end of your career as a commercial vehicle driver. This is because the punishment for any subsequent CDL DUI convictions beyond a first-time offense is permanent revocation of your privileges to drive a commercial vehicle in the state of Florida.

In Tampa, Florida, individuals who refuse to take a test to determine their sobriety while driving a commercial vehicle can also face consequences. A first-time offense of this nature results in a one-year suspension, and any additional incidents in which you refuse a sobriety test while operating a CMV can lead to permanent CDL revocation.

While Florida does offer a hardship reinstatement for certain types of DUI convictions, commercial motor vehicle drivers with one or more CDL DUIs on their criminal record are not eligible for this type of reinstatement.

All of these penalties are in addition to other applicable fines and potential jail time for DUI convictions. If you’ve been charged with CDL DUI, you need professional legal representation from a DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible. Jeff Marshall Law is a Tampa law firm offering legal guidance for those involved in DUI cases. We work hard to develop legal strategies that can lead to an optimal outcome for those charged with CDL DUI in the state of Florida.


Q: How Much Does a CDL DUI Lawyer Cost in Florida?

A: The cost for a CDL DUI lawyer in Florida varies from one case to the next and from one law firm to the next. Because so much is potentially at stake in a CDL DUI case, it can be worth it to invest in legal representation from an attorney who understands Florida DUI laws and has experience with CDL DUI cases. Jeff Marshall Law has that understanding and experience and can provide legal representation if you’ve been charged with a CDL DUI in Florida.

Q: How Long Will You Lose Your CDL License for a DUI in Florida?

A: The length of time you lose your CDL license for a DUI in Florida is one year for the first offense. Any subsequent CDL DUI convictions result in permanent revocation of your commercial driver’s license. Florida does not offer a hardship reinstatement for those found guilty of DUI while operating a commercial vehicle, so if you lose your license for multiple CDL DUI offenses, you lose it permanently and cannot legally drive a commercial vehicle again.

Q: Can You Be a Truck Driver With a DUI in Florida?

A: Yes, you can be a truck driver with a DUI in Florida under certain circumstances. If you are found guilty of one incident of CDL DUI, you could be eligible to have your privilege to operate a commercial vehicle reinstated after one year of suspension. While it is possible to have a CDL after one CDL DUI in Florida, this could make it more difficult for you to obtain employment as a commercial vehicle driver, as this type of charge is often a deterrent for prospective employers.

Q: Can You Get a CDL With Two DUIs in Florida?

A: No, you cannot get a CDL with two DUIs in Florida. According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle Department, a second CDL DUI conviction results in permanent revocation of your ability to operate commercial vehicles. This is also the case for CDL drivers who refuse a sobriety test or are found in possession of controlled substances for a second time while operating a commercial vehicle.

Trust Jeff Marshall Law for CDL DUI Defense

At Jeff Marshall Law, we practice law according to the motto “Never Surrender.” If you’ve been convicted of a DUI while driving a commercial vehicle, we will work hard to defend your case. We understand the long-term negative impact a CDL DUI can have on your future and your career as a commercial vehicle driver. Turn to Jeff Marshall Law for guidance when you need it the most. Contact us for a complimentary consultation, and let us work for you.



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